企业新闻 技术文章



更新时间:2016-08-12      点击次数:787

Compressed air clears the way
The reverse jet pulse valve VZWE cleans soiled filters reliably and cost-consciously
The reverse jet pulse valve VZWE from Festo cleans dust removal systems with a brief blast of air.

The reverse jet pulse valve VZWE from Festo eliminates the risk of blockages in dust removal systems. With a brief blast of air, the heavy-duty valve keeps the dust filters free for many industries.
Whether in the manufacture of cement or paper, mining or tobacco processing, chemical or foodstuff industries – all fields apply filters in production that become full sooner or later though during production processes. Whenever there is a risk of plugging up, the VZWE 2/2-way valve is ready to clear the way again.

无论是在水泥或造纸,采矿和烟草加工,化学或食品等行业的生产 - 所有领域适用于生产过程中的过滤器生产工艺,充分迟早虽然成了。每当有堵塞的危险,在VZWE2月2日通阀准备再次开道。】
The reverse jet pulse valve is part of a cleaning system with compressed air. The efficient housing design ensures a high flow for that. Thanks to its special piston unit, the heavy-duty VZWE opens and closes quickly. This improves the cleaning effect significantly. Any contamination that has collected drops into a dust collection funnel. A range of port sizes and mechanisms allows for a universal implementation.

About Festo:
Festo AG is a global player and an independent family-owned company with headquarters in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany. The company supplies pneumatic and electrical automation technology to 300,000 customers of factory and process automation in over 200 industries. Our products and services are available in 176 countries. With about 18.700 employees in over 250 branch offices in 61 countries worldwide, Festo achieved a turnover of around €2.64 billion in 2015. Each year around 8 % of this turnover is invested in research and development. In this learning company, 1.5 % of turnover is invested in basic and further training. Yet training services are not only provided for Festo's own staff – Festo Didactic SE also supplies basic and further training programmes in the field of automation technology for customers, students and trainees.

费斯托集团是一家性的球员,一个独立的家庭拥有的公司,总部位于埃斯林根,德国。本公司供应气动和电气自动化技术30万客户的工厂自动化和过程自动化的200多个行业。我们的产品和服务在176个国家提供。随着61个国家超过250个分支机构约18.700名员工,费斯托在2015年每年实现约2.64十亿€营业额解决此营业额的8%投资于研究和开发。在这个学习型公司,营业额的1.5%投资于基础和进一步的培训。然而,不仅提供了费斯托自己的员工培训服务 - Festo的说教也SE自动化技术,为客户,学员与学员领域提供基本的培训和进修课程。】



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